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Lenten Fish Fry

The St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church Lenten Fish Fry occurs during the six Fridays of Lent (preceding Easter).  (Please note we are not open on Good Friday.)  This long-standing community event is held in the upper fellowship hall at the back of the property.   Parishioners of all ages make the sacrifice to support this yearly event by making and serving 300 to 400 fish dinners on a weekly basis. The menu offers a wide variety of homemade items such as potato pancakes, cabbage & noodles, and pierogis. Dinners are available for dine-in or carry-out and all include coleslaw (or applesauce), a beverage, and dessert. Menu options may change from year to year, so check back for details during the Lenten season. Bring your appetite!  (Cash and credit cards accepted)



Sviachene - Easter Dinner

Open to the parishioners and friends of St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Easter Dinner (or Sviachene) offers a chance for the parish family to come together to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from death.  This dinner usually occurs two weeks after Easter.  All attend the Divine Liturgy and then proceed to the fellowship hall where guests are served a traditional Easter meal. (Note: Tickets are sold to this event as space is limited and our chefs need to know how much food to prepare) The blessed Easter meal usually consists of: Paska (Easter bread), hard-boiled eggs, sausage, ham, horseradish relish (made with beets), butter, salt and cheese.  
“Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!”   “Христос воскрес! Воістину воскрес!”


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Pentecost Services and Picnic Social

Pentecost is a major Feast Day that is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.  Special services (Parastas and Panakhyda) are held to commemorate and remember deceased loved ones within the Ukrainian community.   In addition, private services are held at graveside within the Cemetery located at St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church.   Parishioners and faithful are encouraged to check with their Pastor for specific details and times for these services.   On Pentecost Sunday (afternoon), a small social or picnic is sponsored in the back fellowship hall at St. Andrew.  (Please note this picnic social may not occur every year. Please check website for updates.)


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St. Andrew Ukrainian Festival

There are many Ukrainian festivals in Parma, OH, but our two-day Festival offers a unique setting in our Picnic Grove and outdoor Pavilion. This annual fundraiser allows the entire local community to enjoy traditional Ukrainian food, Ukrainian beer, and delicious homemade tortes. Guests can shop at the many vendor tables and the Ukrainian Treasures Table is usually a great place to pick up Ukrainian trinkets, clothing, and artwork.   In the evening, guests can enjoy a Ukrainian band and dance the night away.  Children’s activities and a Raffle round out the fun at this family-friendly event. 



St. Andrew Feast Day Liturgy & Dinner

One day Jesus approached Andrew and called him to be his disciple. Andrew is the younger brother of St Peter. St Andrew was the first disciple chosen by Jesus. Andrew was a fisherman by trade on the Sea of Galilee, but Jesus called him to become the fisher of men.  Jesus commanded his apostles to “go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature” and St. Andrew did just that. He traveled to Greece, Asia Minor, and Scythia as far as Kyiv. As a prophet, he foretold the greatness of Kyiv as a city and a stronghold of Christianity. The voice of St Andrew still calls to all Christians today, as his spirit proclaims: ‘The Savior of the world has come! He is the Christ, the Son of God!’    
The Parishioners and Faithful celebrate their Patron Saint, St. Andrew, by attending a special Divine Liturgy and Dinner on the Sunday closest to November 30th. The dinner is a ticketed event. 



St. Nicholas Event for the Children of Our Church 

(Note: This event may not occur every year.  Please check the church bulletin for updates.)
The Feast Day of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 6.  Bishop Nicholas became for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships. Children (and friends) of St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church come together to sing songs, play games and await a special visitor, St. Nicholas to give them candy and sweets.   A great resource about how St. Nicholas is celebrated around the world, including Ukraine:



Christmas Cookie Walk & Food Sale  

(Note:  This event may not occur every year.  Please check the website for updates.)
Who doesn’t love a Christmas cookie?! So what is a Cookie Walk? Parishioners of St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church bake as many delicious cookies as they can. In our fellowship hall, cookies are then displayed on tables by type. Shoppers are given a plastic container and gloves to select the cookies they want to take home with them. Containers are weighed and priced by the pound.  In addition, prior to the Cookie Walk, the Church Office takes pre-paid food orders for stuffed cabbage and borscht (beet soup).   These orders can then be picked up at the Cookie Walk. A one-stop shopping place to make your Christmas to-do list easier to finish!  



Prosphora – Christmas Dinner

Similar to the Sviachene, the Christmas Dinner or Prosphora, allows parishioners and friends to break bread as a parish family and to celebrate the reason for the season – Jesus’ birth. (Note: Tickets are sold to this event as space is limited and our chefs need to know how much food to prepare)  After attending a special Divine Liturgy, this event usually includes a performance by our young faithful called, Vertep and Christmas Carols are sung by all. The lunch menu usually includes kutya (whole wheat grain dish, cooked and flavored with honey, poppy seeds, walnuts, and raisins), borscht (beet soup), pierogis, and many delicious pastries. 
“Christ is Born! Let us glorify Him!” – “Христос Раждається! Славімо Його!”  



© 2022 St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church

Design and maintenance by Focused Solutions LLC

7700 Hoertz Road

Parma, OH 44134

Tel: 440-843-9149

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